Waterloo ExL Symposium
Federation Hall
Oct 17, 2018 at 8:30 AM EDT
"name":"Waterloo ExL Symposium ",
"description": "https://ticketfi.com/event/2406/waterloo-exl-symposium\n\n\"The Waterloo ExL Symposium will highlight experiential learning (EL) initiatives and associated resources on campus. This event is geared towards instructors who want to integrate, or enhance their integration of EL within their courses. Additionally, any campus or community partner who engages with and supports experiential learning at Waterloo will benefit from attending. Concurrent sessions will include presentations from instructors, students, and community partners on best practices, challenges, and innovative ideas on how EL may be integrated into teaching and learning.\\n\\nRegistration for the Waterloo ExL Symposium is now closed. If you would like to register, please contact Amanda Brown.\\n \\n\\nAgenda\\n\\n\\n\\t\\n\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\t 8:30am - 8:45am\\n\\t\\t\\t Registration & Light Breakfast\\n\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\t 8:45am – 9:00am\\n\\t\\t\\t Opening Remarks\\n\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\t 9:00am – 9:45am\\n\\t\\t\\t Morning Keynote: Norah McRae\\n\\t\\t\\n\\t\\n\\n\\n\\n\\t\\n\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\t 9:45am – 10:45am\\n\\t\\t\\tExperiential Learning 101\\n\\t\\t\\tExperiential Learning Logistics \\n\\t\\t\\tExperiential Learning in a Large Class \\n\\t\\t\\tLearning Outcomes of Field Experiences \\n\\t\\t\\n\\t\\n\\n\\n\\n\\t\\n\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\t 10:45am – 11:00am\\n\\t\\t\\t Networking Break \\n\\t\\t\\n\\t\\n\\n\\n\\n\\t\\n\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\t 11:00am – 12:00pm\\n\\t\\t\\t Edge 101\\n\\t\\t\\tBringing Industry Issues into the Classroom \\n\\t\\t\\tRoadblocks and Blindspots: When potential mastery goes awry?\\n\\t\\t\\n\\t\\n\\n\\n\\n\\t\\n\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\t 12:00pm – 12:45pm\\n\\t\\t\\t Lunch \\n\\t\\t\\n\\t\\n\\n\\n\\n\\t\\n\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\t 12:45pm – 1:45pm\\n\\t\\t\\t Afternoon Keynote: Victor Saad\\n\\t\\t\\n\\t\\n\\n\\n\\n\\t\\n\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\t 1:45pm – 2:45pm\\n\\t\\t\\t Co-op 101 \\n\\t\\t\\tWhat do our students say?\\n\\t\\t\\tEngaging Community Partners \\n\\t\\t\\tSoTL Research and Experiential Learning: Getting Started\\n\\t\\t\\n\\t\\n\\n\\n\\n\\t\\n\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\t 2:45pm – 3:00pm\\n\\t\\t\\t Closing Remarks \\n\\t\\t\\n\\t\\n\\n\\n\\nSession Abstracts \\n\\nSpeakers \\n\\nDr. Norah McRae, Associate Provost, Co-operative and Experiential Education, University of Waterloo\\nNorah McRae is known nationally and internationally as a leader in co-operative and experiential education. Her involvement in co-operative education, work-integrated learning and community engagement spans more than twenty years, over which time she has led strategic program development and research on student engagement, work-integrated learning and intercultural competency development. Norah will be presenting on the evolving landscape of experiential learning and creating quality EL experiences.\\n\\nVictor Saad, Founder, Experience Institute \\n In 2012, after five years of working with middle school and high school students, Victor became curious about pursuing an MBA. But the options and costs didn't quite fit. So Victor designed his own Masters by embarking upon 12 projects in 12 months. He called it the Leap Year Project and his experiences culminated when he staged his graduation at a local TEDx and published a book of stories about people learning through risk. He later launched Experience Institute, an organization that helps college students and career professionals learn & grow through short-term, real-world experiences. His work has led him into collaborations with Stanford, Berkeley, Google, and Leo Burnett. In 2015, Victor was inducted into Forbes30Under30 for his work in education, and in 2017 joined the team at Stanford’s School of Engineering as a Lecturer in Design, helping students reimagine their learning through experience.\\n\"",
"location":"Federation Hall - ",
"label":"Add to Calendar",
Event Details
The Waterloo ExL Symposium will highlight experiential learning (EL) initiatives and associated resources on campus. This event is geared towards instructors who want to integrate, or enhance their integration of EL within their courses. Additionally, any campus or community partner who engages with and supports experiential learning at Waterloo will benefit from attending. Concurrent sessions will include presentations from instructors, students, and community partners on best practices, challenges, and innovative ideas on how EL may be integrated into teaching and learning.
Registration for the Waterloo ExL Symposium is now closed. If you would like to register, please contact Amanda Brown.
8:30am - 8:45am | Registration & Light Breakfast |
8:45am – 9:00am | Opening Remarks |
9:00am – 9:45am | Morning Keynote: Norah McRae |
9:45am – 10:45am | Experiential Learning 101 | Experiential Learning Logistics | Experiential Learning in a Large Class | Learning Outcomes of Field Experiences |
10:45am – 11:00am | Networking Break |
11:00am – 12:00pm | Edge 101 | Bringing Industry Issues into the Classroom | Roadblocks and Blindspots: When potential mastery goes awry? |
12:00pm – 12:45pm | Lunch |
12:45pm – 1:45pm | Afternoon Keynote: Victor Saad |
1:45pm – 2:45pm | Co-op 101 | What do our students say? | Engaging Community Partners | SoTL Research and Experiential Learning: Getting Started |
2:45pm – 3:00pm | Closing Remarks |
Session Abstracts
Dr. Norah McRae, Associate Provost, Co-operative and Experiential Education, University of Waterloo
Norah McRae is known nationally and internationally as a leader in co-operative and experiential education. Her involvement in co-operative education, work-integrated learning and community engagement spans more than twenty years, over which time she has led strategic program development and research on student engagement, work-integrated learning and intercultural competency development. Norah will be presenting on the evolving landscape of experiential learning and creating quality EL experiences.
Victor Saad, Founder, Experience Institute
In 2012, after five years of working with middle school and high school students, Victor became curious about pursuing an MBA. But the options and costs didn't quite fit. So Victor designed his own Masters by embarking upon 12 projects in 12 months. He called it the Leap Year Project and his experiences culminated when he staged his graduation at a local TEDx and published a book of stories about people learning through risk. He later launched Experience Institute, an organization that helps college students and career professionals learn & grow through short-term, real-world experiences. His work has led him into collaborations with Stanford, Berkeley, Google, and Leo Burnett. In 2015, Victor was inducted into Forbes30Under30 for his work in education, and in 2017 joined the team at Stanford’s School of Engineering as a Lecturer in Design, helping students reimagine their learning through experience.
Federation Hall
200 University Avenue West Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1 CA
Type |
Price |
University of Waterloo |
Free |
External Attendee |
$75.00 |
Organizer Details

Systems Design Engineering