The Writing Centre at 40 Celebration & Speaker Series

Physics - PHY 145
Thursday, Oct 20, 2016 at 4:30 PM EDT 
{ "name":"The Writing Centre at 40 Celebration & Speaker Series", "description": "\n\n\"As the Writing Centre reaches its 40th year milestone, we invite you to join us in looking back at the ways that writing and communication have changed. Together, we'll reflect on how communication has transformed the ways that we interact with the world and the fields of study that we’ve chosen.\\n\\nThe Writing Centre’s 2016-2017 Speaker Series highlights the broad field of communication and its intersections with politics, culture, media, technology, and our digital lives. It examines ways that communication helps us craft ourselves as social beings in a digital world, looks at how we engage with media and our social networks, and explores how we move through and communicate with the world.\\n\\nIn the 21st century, we embrace language as multiplex and dynamic. We view it as living and changing, owned by those who wield it, and informed by recent and historical political currents and cultural movements. From social media and podcasts, to websites, blogs, and e-journals, writing and communication are not simply modes of transmitting information, but ways of crafting and creating knowledge in multiple modes and mediums. The Speaker Series asks us to contemplate how writing and communication is integral to our digital, global, and plural selves -- engaged, critical, resistant, inclusive, and connected.\\n\\nJoin us on Thursday, October 20 to hear from Nora Young, host of Spark on CBC Radio, and author of The Virtual Self. \\n\\nRegister now to secure your spot.\\n\\nMembers of the University of Waterloo community can also celebrate with the Writing Centre all day at an activity fair from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. featuring: \\n\\n\\n\\tWriting Centre\\n\\tLibrary\\n\\tImprint \\n\\tLiving mural\\n\\tPhoto booth\\n\\tPrize wheel \\n\\tWord and language board games\\n\\tCollective story writing \\n\\n\"", "startDate":"2016-10-20", "endDate":"2016-10-20", "startTime":"16:30", "endTime":"17:30", "location":"Physics PHY 145 - ", "label":"Add to Calendar", "options":[ "Apple", "Google", "iCal", "Microsoft365", "", "Yahoo" ], "timeZone":"US/Eastern", "trigger":"click", "inline":true, "listStyle":"modal", "iCalFileName":"invite.ics" }

Event Details

As the Writing Centre reaches its 40th year milestone, we invite you to join us in looking back at the ways that writing and communication have changed. Together, we'll reflect on how communication has transformed the ways that we interact with the world and the fields of study that we’ve chosen.

The Writing Centre’s 2016-2017 Speaker Series highlights the broad field of communication and its intersections with politics, culture, media, technology, and our digital lives. It examines ways that communication helps us craft ourselves as social beings in a digital world, looks at how we engage with media and our social networks, and explores how we move through and communicate with the world.

In the 21st century, we embrace language as multiplex and dynamic. We view it as living and changing, owned by those who wield it, and informed by recent and historical political currents and cultural movements. From social media and podcasts, to websites, blogs, and e-journals, writing and communication are not simply modes of transmitting information, but ways of crafting and creating knowledge in multiple modes and mediums. The Speaker Series asks us to contemplate how writing and communication is integral to our digital, global, and plural selves -- engaged, critical, resistant, inclusive, and connected.

Join us on Thursday, October 20 to hear from Nora Young, host of Spark on CBC Radio, and author of The Virtual Self. 

Register now to secure your spot.

Members of the University of Waterloo community can also celebrate with the Writing Centre all day at an activity fair from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. featuring: 

  • Writing Centre
  • Library
  • Imprint 
  • Living mural
  • Photo booth
  • Prize wheel 
  • Word and language board games
  • Collective story writing 


Physics - PHY 145
200 University Avenue West Waterloo, ON N2L 3G5 CA


Speaker Series - Nora Young

Organizer Details

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University of Waterloo

In the heart of Waterloo Region, at the forefront of innovation, the University of Waterloo is home to world-changing research and inspired teaching. At the hub of a growing network of global partnerships, Waterloo will shape the future by building bridges with industry and between disciplines, institutions and communities.