Presidential Lecture: Dr. Edmund S. Phelps

Mike & Ophelia Lazaridis Quantum Nano Centre - Room 0101
Thursday, Mar 5, 2015 at 2:00 PM EST 
{ "name":"Presidential Lecture: Dr. Edmund S. Phelps", "description": "\n\n\"Feridun Hamdullahpur, president and vice-chancellor of the University of Waterloo invites you to attend the guest lecture of Dr. Edmund S. Phelps.\\n\\nAmong his many accolades, Dr. Edmund S. Phelps is a Nobel Prize-winning economist and a McVickar Professor at Columbia University. His latest publication, Mass Flourishing: \\u2028How Grassroots Innovation Created Jobs, Challenge, and Change, has received wide-spread global recognition.\\n\\nAs Canada’s most innovative university, the University of Waterloo proudly welcomes this international thought leader to our campus.\\n\\nIn-room seating based on capacity. Limited overflow seating will be available. \\n\\nConnect into the live-steam and watch the lecture remotely.\\n\"", "startDate":"2015-03-05", "endDate":"2015-03-05", "startTime":"14:00", "endTime":"15:00", "location":"Mike & Ophelia Lazaridis Quantum Nano Centre Room 0101 - Earth Sciences and Chemistry University of Waterloo 200 University Ave W Waterloo ON N2L 3G1 Canada", "label":"Add to Calendar", "options":[ "Apple", "Google", "iCal", "Microsoft365", "", "Yahoo" ], "timeZone":"US/Eastern", "trigger":"click", "inline":true, "listStyle":"modal", "iCalFileName":"invite.ics" }

Event Details

Feridun Hamdullahpur, president and vice-chancellor of the University of Waterloo invites you to attend the guest lecture of Dr. Edmund S. Phelps.

Among his many accolades, Dr. Edmund S. Phelps is a Nobel Prize-winning economist and a McVickar Professor at Columbia University. His latest publication, Mass Flourishing: 
How Grassroots Innovation Created Jobs, Challenge, and Change, has received wide-spread global recognition.

As Canada’s most innovative university, the University of Waterloo proudly welcomes this international thought leader to our campus.

In-room seating based on capacity. Limited overflow seating will be available. 

Connect into the live-steam and watch the lecture remotely.


Mike & Ophelia Lazaridis Quantum Nano Centre - Room 0101
200 University Ave W Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1 CA



Organizer Details

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University of Waterloo

In the heart of Waterloo Region, at the forefront of innovation, the University of Waterloo is home to world-changing research and inspired teaching. At the hub of a growing network of global partnerships, Waterloo will shape the future by building bridges with industry and between disciplines, institutions and communities.