Impactful Science Along our Coasts
Earth Sciences Museum
- EIT 1015
Feb 2, 2018 at 7:00 PM EST
"name":"Impactful Science Along our Coasts",
"description": "\n\n\"https:\\/\\/\\/ecohydrology\\/events\\/world-wetlands-day-2018\\nImpactful Science Along our Coasts: Measuring and supporting user-focused research in our estuaries, coastal wetlands and Great Lakes. \\nEstuaries and coastal wetlands along North America’s multiple salt and fresh coasts are highly productive ecosystems with distinct physical and biological attributes. Historic land use patterns and climate change have placed a great deal of pressure on these socioeconomically and biologically productive ecosystems. Effective protection and restoration of these important ecosystems requires carefully constructed science support that brings to bear the highest quality, user-driven research. Over the past six years the University of Michigan Water Center has taken an adaptive approach to selecting, supporting and assessing projects that engage end-users, or those best positioned to employ the science generated, in project work related to the Great Lakes and broader US coastal ecosystems. This presentation will propose that end-user engaged research, while resource and time intensive, is more effective than traditional or even more recent research paradigms and potentially a better way to invest increasingly scarce public and private resources.\\n\"",
"location":"Earth Sciences Museum EIT 1015 - University of Centre for Environmental and Information Technology 200 University Ave W Waterloo ON N2L 3G1 Canada",
"label":"Add to Calendar",
Event Details
Impactful Science Along our Coasts: Measuring and supporting user-focused research in our estuaries, coastal wetlands and Great Lakes.
Estuaries and coastal wetlands along North America’s multiple salt and fresh coasts are highly productive ecosystems with distinct physical and biological attributes. Historic land use patterns and climate change have placed a great deal of pressure on these socioeconomically and biologically productive ecosystems. Effective protection and restoration of these important ecosystems requires carefully constructed science support that brings to bear the highest quality, user-driven research. Over the past six years the University of Michigan Water Center has taken an adaptive approach to selecting, supporting and assessing projects that engage end-users, or those best positioned to employ the science generated, in project work related to the Great Lakes and broader US coastal ecosystems. This presentation will propose that end-user engaged research, while resource and time intensive, is more effective than traditional or even more recent research paradigms and potentially a better way to invest increasingly scarce public and private resources.
Earth Sciences Museum - EIT 1015
200 University Avenue West Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1 CA
Type |
Price |
World Wetlands Day lecture |
Free |
Organizer Details

Science Outreach at UWaterloo
Waterloo Science Outreach provides programs and enrichment activities to increase awareness of the importance and value of Science to society. It also stands to highlight the contributions that Waterloo Science makes to scientific understanding. We are passionate about making science and research an accessible and comprehensible topic for all interested audiences. Through events and public lectures, we provide numerous ways for you to engage in a lifelong discovery of science.