Virtual Wen-Do Self-Defense Workshop

Online Only
Friday, Mar 26, 2021 at 1:00 PM  - 3:00 PM EDT 
{ "name":"Virtual Wen-Do Self-Defense Workshop ", "description": "\n\n\"The Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Office  invites all women  and non-binary students, staff and faculty members of all abilities to a 2-hour virtual Wen-Do Self-Defence. \\n\\nWomen and non-binary family members within the same household are welcome to join using the same participation link provided upon registration.\\n\\nWhat is Wen-Do?\\n\\nWen-Do Women’s Self-Defence offers a training space to non-binary folx and women, of all abilities, aged 10 and up. Wen-Do reinforces the positive aspects of the ways that girls and women deal with the threat and experience of violence in their lives. The classes do not issue a list of do's and don't's, but rather share practical and factual information within a feminist, anti-racist, anti-oppression framework.\\n\\nWhat to expect in this workshop\\n\\nYour Wen-Do instructor will facilitate discussions that involve the breaking down and debunking of victim-blaming stereotypes and myths that surround women’s self-defence. They will offer factual and resource-rich discussions about abuse, harassment, and assault within a patriarchal society. Participants will have the opportunity to learn and practice physical and verbal self-protection skills and strategies that cover a range of dangerous and\\/or uncomfortable situations.\\n\\nConsiderations for the online environment\\n\\nThese physical techniques will be presented online with the understanding that some participants may be sitting or sometimes standing at their computer so particpants will be encouraged to do only what is emotionally comfortable and pysically safe for their bodies.\\n\\nPlease Note: participants need to ensure they'll be in a private space out of respect for all participants as cameras are required to be on for safety purposes.\\n\\nIf you have any questions about the workshop please contact Janessa Good, events and engagement coordinator, Human Rights, Equity and Inclusion\"", "startDate":"2021-03-26", "endDate":"2021-03-26", "startTime":"13:00", "endTime":"15:00", "location":"", "label":"Add to Calendar", "options":[ "Apple", "Google", "iCal", "Microsoft365", "", "Yahoo" ], "timeZone":"US/Eastern", "trigger":"click", "inline":true, "listStyle":"modal", "iCalFileName":"invite.ics" }

Event Details

The Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Office  invites all women  and non-binary students, staff and faculty members of all abilities to a 2-hour virtual Wen-Do Self-Defence. 

Women and non-binary family members within the same household are welcome to join using the same participation link provided upon registration.

What is Wen-Do?

Wen-Do Women’s Self-Defence offers a training space to non-binary folx and women, of all abilities, aged 10 and up. Wen-Do reinforces the positive aspects of the ways that girls and women deal with the threat and experience of violence in their lives. The classes do not issue a list of do's and don't's, but rather share practical and factual information within a feminist, anti-racist, anti-oppression framework.

What to expect in this workshop

Your Wen-Do instructor will facilitate discussions that involve the breaking down and debunking of victim-blaming stereotypes and myths that surround women’s self-defence. They will offer factual and resource-rich discussions about abuse, harassment, and assault within a patriarchal society. Participants will have the opportunity to learn and practice physical and verbal self-protection skills and strategies that cover a range of dangerous and/or uncomfortable situations.

Considerations for the online environment

These physical techniques will be presented online with the understanding that some participants may be sitting or sometimes standing at their computer so particpants will be encouraged to do only what is emotionally comfortable and pysically safe for their bodies.

Please Note: participants need to ensure they'll be in a private space out of respect for all participants as cameras are required to be on for safety purposes.

If you have any questions about the workshop please contact Janessa Good, events and engagement coordinator, Human Rights, Equity and Inclusion


Leslie Allin
Senior Instructor


Available Online Only
Instructions will be sent out via email after registration.



Organizer Details

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University of Waterloo

Human Rights, Equity, and Inclusion 

Human Rights, Equity and Inclusion (HREI) supports, educates, and brings members of our campus community together to facilitate understanding, address discrimination and harm, influence and advance systemic changes towards making the University of Waterloo an equitable and safe(r) place where everyone can thrive. For more information and to explore the five intersecting portfolios that support the work we do, please visit our website