Antagonism and Intimidation in Academia Speaker Series 2.0

In-Person & Online
Jan 16 at 3:00 PM  - Jan 16 at 5:00 PM EST 
{ "name":"Antagonism and Intimidation in Academia Speaker Series 2.0", "description": "\n\n\"Freedom of Expression and Inclusive Engagement\\n\\nWe invite you to attend our first panel discussion of 2025 entitled, ‘Freedom of Expression and Inclusive Engagement.’ We will explore the tensions between freedom of expression and protection from harm, and the antagonisms inherent in drawing expressive limits. Discussion will focus on the possibility of having a principled approach and on how centres charged with doing equity, diversity, and anti-racist work can be empowered to help us better understand what rests at the core of an institution's duty of care.\\n\\nhttps:\\/\\/\\/faculty-planning-policy\\/speaker-series\\n \\n\"", "startDate":"2025-01-16", "endDate":"2024-01-16", "startTime":"15:00", "endTime":"17:00", "location":"Engineering 7 (E7) E7-2409 - 200 University Ave W Waterloo ON N2L 3G1 Canada", "label":"Add to Calendar", "options":[ "Apple", "Google", "iCal", "Microsoft365", "", "Yahoo" ], "timeZone":"US/Eastern", "trigger":"click", "inline":true, "listStyle":"modal", "iCalFileName":"invite.ics" }

Event Details

Freedom of Expression and Inclusive Engagement

We invite you to attend our first panel discussion of 2025 entitled, ‘Freedom of Expression and Inclusive Engagement.’ We will explore the tensions between freedom of expression and protection from harm, and the antagonisms inherent in drawing expressive limits. Discussion will focus on the possibility of having a principled approach and on how centres charged with doing equity, diversity, and anti-racist work can be empowered to help us better understand what rests at the core of an institution's duty of care.


Speaker: Dr. Laura Mae Lindo
University of Waterloo
Assistant Professor of Philosophy
Speaker: Dr. Dax D’Orazio
University of Guelph
SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Political Science
Moderator: Dr. Emmett Macfarlane
University of Waterloo
Professor, Political Science


Engineering 7 (E7) - E7-2409
200 University Avenue West Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1 CA
Also Available Online
Instructions will be sent out via email after registration.


General Admission - In Person
Virtual - Livestream

Organizer Details

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University of Waterloo

In the heart of Waterloo Region, at the forefront of innovation, the University of Waterloo is home to world-changing research and inspired teaching. At the hub of a growing network of global partnerships, Waterloo will shape the future by building bridges with industry and between disciplines, institutions and communities.