Mapping Sustainability Content in Curriculum

Dana Porter Library - 323
Wednesday, Mar 5, 2025 at 1:00 PM  - 2:30 PM EST 
{ "name":"Mapping Sustainability Content in Curriculum", "description": "\n\n\"As part of the Integrating Sustainability Across the Curriculum Community of Practice, this session will introduce participants to some of the preliminary analyses of sustainability content in existing courses and programs.\\n\\nHosted by the Sustainability Office, the session will:\\n\\n\\n\\tProvide an overview of the existing institution-wide sustainability and SDG mapping databases, including how individuals can get access\\n\\tEncourage sharing of ideas from units who have done their own curriculum scans\\n\\tStrengthen appreciation for limitations and challenges to curriculum mapping, as well as opportunities for improvement\\n\\tIdentify additional collaborations or future steps\\n\\n\\nThe session is open to all faculty members, instructors, and program developers at University of Waterloo.\\n\\nCoffee will be provided.\\n\"", "startDate":"2025-03-05", "endDate":"2025-03-05", "startTime":"13:00", "endTime":"14:30", "location":"Dana Porter Library 323 - 200 University Ave W Waterloo ON N2L 3G1 Canada", "label":"Add to Calendar", "options":[ "Apple", "Google", "iCal", "Microsoft365", "", "Yahoo" ], "timeZone":"US/Eastern", "trigger":"click", "inline":true, "listStyle":"modal", "iCalFileName":"invite.ics" }

Event Details

As part of the Integrating Sustainability Across the Curriculum Community of Practice, this session will introduce participants to some of the preliminary analyses of sustainability content in existing courses and programs.

Hosted by the Sustainability Office, the session will:

  • Provide an overview of the existing institution-wide sustainability and SDG mapping databases, including how individuals can get access
  • Encourage sharing of ideas from units who have done their own curriculum scans
  • Strengthen appreciation for limitations and challenges to curriculum mapping, as well as opportunities for improvement
  • Identify additional collaborations or future steps

The session is open to all faculty members, instructors, and program developers at University of Waterloo.

Coffee will be provided.


Dana Porter Library - 323
200 University Avenue West Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1 CA


Sustainability Mapping CoP

Organizer Details

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University of Waterloo

University of Waterloo’s Sustainability Office coordinates efforts to advance campus sustainability through learning and research, reducing Waterloo's ecological footprint, and engaging the University community.

To learn more, visit
If you have questions, please contact